Wednesday, April 11, 2007

When I Write

When I write...

First: I learn about the subject matter.

Second: I consider what I want to leave my audience with.

Third: I write about the subject matter while continually considering my audience.

Forth: I check my work so that I don't sound dumb.

Fifth: I present my work.

For me the majority of the writing that I do is done in the academic field and I normally hate the subjects that I am forced to write about. This has trained me to write from perspectives that I do not really sympathize with and has resulted in a jaded mentality that does not really concern my true beliefs on the subject matter.

When I do write for leisure it is usually about things that I feel must be said to friends or collegeauges about a change in the system in which we are attempting to improve. These letters are usually filled with citations, factual information and a few subtle jokes that normally mock those that are acting as a hinderance. Most of the time, these letters are meant to bring about change in thought that I feel is long over due, and, as a result, they tend to be extremely forceful and not something most people would prefer to read for pleasure.

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